Afterthoughts on Bach's Goldberg Variations




這首《Afterthoughts on Bach’s Goldberg Variation》的創作動機,即試圖要在巴赫的時代與現代之間搭起一座橋樑。以貫穿「三十個詠嘆調與變奏」的低音聲部為骨架,探索巴洛克、古典、浪漫、乃至於二十世紀的雷鬼、流行歌曲與爵士樂等不同風格的音樂語彙,或許你會在樂曲的不同段落發現熟悉的旋律,並且享受這樣的發現之旅。


J. S. Bach’s music has inspired generations of composers. We can see Bach’s influence on Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Shostakovich, as well as many contemporary composers. The Goldberg Variations represent the summit of his creative efforts and are comprised of a wide variety of styles, technical brilliance, and unparalleled artistry.

While studying Goldberg Variations, I started to wonder about the possibilities if Bach had lived longer and experienced the different musical styles in the course of history. How would he have incorporated these styles into his works, and perhaps even in his Goldberg Variations?

My composition is an attempt to bridge the gap between the present and Bach’s time. While keeping the original bass line from Bach's Goldberg Variations, which served as the foundation of the aria and 30 variations, "Afterthoughts" explores the musical styles ranging from the baroque, classical, romantic styles and continues through the 20th century’s ragtime, pop songs, and jazz idioms. You may recognize some familiar tunes here and will hopefully enjoy the ride.