巴爾托克,第五號弦樂四重奏 改編給木琴四重奏(改編:潘韻如)
Béla Bartók - String Quartet No.5, for Percussion Quartet (Arranged by Yun Ju Pan)

Performers: Without Borders Percussion Quartet -- Will Alderman、Kathryn Irwin、Alex Smith、Yun Ju Pan(潘韻如)


I. Allegro 快板 8’05

II. Adagio Molto 慢板 7’40

III. Scherzo: Alla Bulgarese 詼諧曲 6’19

IV. Andante 行板 6’16

V. Finale: Allegro Vivace 終曲 9’24

Béla Bartók is arguably one of the greatest composers of the twentieth-century whose music often merged Hungarian influences, and influences from the Carpathian Basin, with a twentieth-century harmonic language and an approach to composing that was uniquely his. Bartók wrote six string quartets, and the fifth is considered one of the most popular. Our performance of this transcription for marimba quartet attempts to emulate the sounds and styles of the original version. Moments of delicacy and lyricism are contrasted by quirkiness and raucous full-ensemble playing, string sounds are imitated with extended techniques on the marimbas, and the highly independent counterpoint is interpreted with precision and care. 

貝拉・巴爾托克可以說是二十世紀最偉大的作曲家之一。 他的作品受到匈牙利以及喀爾巴阡山脈地區的民族音樂影響,融合二十世紀的和聲語言和他獨特的作曲手法,創造了他在音樂史上無可取代的地位。在巴爾托克的一生中,他共寫了六首弦樂四重奏,而這首第五號弦樂四重奏,寫于1934年,由伊沙貝拉・庫里居女士 (Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge) 委託創作,是巴爾托克極具代表性的一首作品。

在這首馬林巴四重奏的改編中,我們盡力地演奏出近似原始弦樂版本的聲音和風格。 聽眾可以清楚地聽到精巧、抒情與詭異、喧鬧的曲段,形成鮮明對比,我們在馬林巴木琴上使用一些擴展的技巧及手法模仿弦樂的聲響,並謹慎精確地詮釋演奏樂曲中複雜的對位樂段。
